
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Featuring "Fall-O-Ween" stamp set by K.Andrew's Design Stamps

Hello and welcome to my blog, today is my day to feature the set of stamps called "Fall-O-Ween" for K. Andrew's design team.  I wanted to do something special for this post, this could be my last post with the design team, as she will be choosing her New Design Team in Sept.  I really hope I am lucky enough to get chosen to stay on with her.  I love this set of stamps I am using today, they are so fun to work with and I love the the lettering wait to you see.  I have made this cute box for today's post, it can made in so many different themes, like Christmas, Thanksgiving, any Holiday but also for a baby shower, bridal shower, etc. for mind I have made it in a Halloween theme and used the "Fall O Ween" stamp set take a look a the stamps, if you would like to purchase any stamps click Here

kad010: Fall-O-Oween (Larger) Now Shipping! - Click Image to Close
see what I meant about the lettering look at the word Treat I just love it!
Ok now on to my project I have made this cute box and of course I have made it in Halloween theme. 
I hope you all will like it, if you would like to give this a try please let me know in your comment, I would be happy to share. 
first side 

second side 

third side 

forth side 

close view of sentiment 

close view of sentiment 

close view of sentiment 

close view of sentiment 
 I hope you have enjoyed my project featuring Kristal Andrew Design Stamps, please be sure to visit her store again you can find them Here
Thanks for stopping by my blog I hope to see you back real soon, please wish me luck to continue with Kristal's Design Team.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Easel Cards

Hello all thanks for stopping by again, today I have a few cards I would like to share with you all.  I have been playing around with making some easel cards.  Today I made this one it's call a Twisted Easel Card.  I also used K. Andrew's Design stamp set called " In the Family" This card is for my parents anniversary on Aug. 29.
front view of Twisted Easel Card 

side view 

close up of sentiment 

card closed 

closer and clearer view 
 Now I have another easel card to share with you, this one I used "Sew Much Fun"

front view 

close up of sentiment 

side view
3D embellishments

I had so much fun making these easel cards, I have a link I will post later for you if you would like to give them a try, thanks again for stopping by my blog today please leave me your comments I always love to read them. If you would like the stamps I have used you can get them Here

Friday, August 17, 2012

Back to School Blog Hop

Hello all welcome to my blog for another fun filled Blog Hop featuring "Back to School" with Kristal Andrew's design stamps. If you just came from Oma's Blog then your in the right spot. For this hop we were to create anything related to a Back to School project using K. Andrew's Design Stamps which you can find right Here. For my project I have chosen to use the stamp set called "Guy Talk"
K Andrew Designs
Here is my card I have made for today's Blog Hop, take a look I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did making it, please be sure to leave me you comments, as I love to here from all of you.
this what I have used to make my card for today 

front of card 

side view 

card folded down or closed 

close up of sentiment 
Your next stop is over at my good friend Christel. Thank you so very much for visiting my blog today, if you would like a little blog candy all you have to do is be come a follower on my blog and on my fan pg. So for 1 chance leave me a comment about my card, for a 2nd chance leave me a comment saying you are a new follower or you are already, and for a 3rd chance go over and Like my fan pg Here Make sure to leave me your contact info incase you are the lucky winner of the blog candy.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

SS Challenge with K Andrew Design Stamps

Hello all welcome back to my blog.  It's time for another SS Challenge with K Andrew Design Stamps, so please be sure to join in the fun. For this SS Challenge we are to use a "Pun" from one of K Andrew's stamps sets, for my card today I have chosen to use the "Pirates Tails & Fish Scales" I have to say I had so much fun making this card too!  For today I am doing it a little different, I have "BLOG CANDY" we all love Blog Candy right, so here are the rules you must be a Follower of my blog,  Like my fan page, plus you must be a Follower with K Andrew's Design Blog, and one more you must go over and Like K Andrew's fan page too, so how easy is that, so before you leave me your comment you must do all 4 little steps.  Here is the set I have chosen to use, take a look at my project.

kad014: Pirate Tales & Fish Scales:Sentiments (Large) - Click Image to Close

all of what I have used

front of card

close up of sentiment
side view

here are the links for the chance of winning blog candy,
and be sure you tell me you have done all 4
K Andrew's Blog

K Andrew's Like pg

My Like pg

and my blog here.
 thanks for stopping by today hope you have enjoyed please be sure to join in the fun to over at K.  Andrew's  Blog
be sure you leave me your contact info in case your the lucky winner. I will pick the winner on Saturday and post next Sunday.