
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Christmas in July Guest Designer for Jaded Blossom

Hello and welcome to my blog today.  I am so excited and over joyed with happiness that Michelle and Candace ask me if I would like to be a guest designer for "Christmas in July" well I didn't even have to think about it I said YES right away, thinking how awesome is this to get to do another posting for Jaded Blossom I just love these ladies they are a wonderful group and they have the most amazing products as well, so lets get started.
For my project today I have used the Favor BoxesChristmas Poop all from the Jaded Blossom Store so please be sure to stop by and check it all out. Now onto my project, I have made this cute little Christmas favor let's take a look at it.

Christmas box favor 
close up of sentiment

view of back of box

side view

another side view 
 Thanks so very much for stopping by to visit my blog today I hope you liked what you saw, if so feel free to become a follow of my blog by just clicking up on the right hand bar where it say Followers. 

Cricut Cart: Teddy Bear Parade
Twine: Annie's Paper Boutique
Paper: K & Co.
Box, Sentiment Jaded Blossom

Monday, July 15, 2013

VBS Banner

Hello welcome back to my blog, for my blog post today I wanted to share a banner I have made for my cousin Kim who teaches Sunday School in our beautiful church here in New Jersey where I live.

Our Beautiful Church
 This week is our week for VBS, which is Vacation Bible School, and its a "Western" theme so I made her a few cute little banners for it.   
banner cut outs
finished banner
I hope you have enjoyed my blog post today please stop back again I will have another post at the end of the week for all of you. 

Recipe :
Cricut Cartridges: 
Bithday Bash for Banners
Old West for Letters, & Cuts
Papers: Recollections

Saturday, July 13, 2013

I'm Looking for Some "Bloglovin"

Hello my crafty friends, I wanted to remind all of  you that Google Reader as stopped working as of  July 1st.
This means that if you were following me in Google Reader, you are no longer seeing my notice of post.  In order to see my notice of postings all you will have to do is
Follow my blog here with Bloglovin
It's very simple to do, just click on the link above and it will ask for you to set up an account and then you will be following me in Bloglovin, hope to see you there.