
Monday, July 26, 2010

Thanks to all of You!

I am so happy with how my first Blog Hop turn out, I can't thank Jess enough for having me, she did a awesome job putting all this together, you can visit her at I wish I had the time to thank each and everyone of you, I have so many comments, I have been reading them all day, I have so many new followers and fans now, this is amazing so thank you all so much from the bottom of my heart this has touched me and helped me in so many ways, I promise to keep inspiring people as long as you let me, please come back and visit me I will be posting some new projects and starting giveaways, I will be choosing the winner later today from the blog hop, and I will post here and on FB, thanks again for being a follower and a fan. Big hugs from me to each and everyone of you!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Debbie! I just wanted to say Thank You for your SUPER kind comment on my blog! :) I am so lucky to have crafty friends like you!
    Kristy at
