
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Hello everyone, please join me in the November 30 Days of Gift Making Blog Hop, here is how it works, its 30 days of 30 different gift projects. Gift ideas, such as cards, layouts, goody bags, treats, and so much more.  Look for post daily that will tell you where to go each day.  We have some of the most talented ladies contributing.  Each day you will visit one blog, (not like others where you visited all in one day) This was done so you can focus on one project and get some wonderful ideas for gift making or giving, some of the ladies also may be offering sales, and some may be even having "Blog Candy" I will be, just not sure of what the candy is gonna be, but there will be some candy, cause I love candy, hehe . So keep watching for the next 30 days for a wonderful Hop! 


Monday, October 25, 2010

Card for Madison

After working for my parents business for 10 years, you get to know your customers pretty well and over time they become more like friends. One of the customers had told me last year that he was thrilled that his niece, Madison, was in remission from Leukemia! Their family was over joyed that such a young girl had beat this vicious cancer (she's only 6 years old). However, just last week, their family was just hit with the most horrific news........Madison's cancer has returned. 

Now I personally do not know Madison BUT i'm the type of person who wants to help whenever I can. I know that I cant cure her but I can help with making her day a little better by sending her a card to put a smile on her face. So, this is where i'm hoping to get your help.....i'm hoping to get a TON of cards to cheer up Madison. "Get well" cards and anything that is super girly would be perfect!!! And if you'd like to send a small gift, ex: a barbie or stuffed animal, im sure it would cheer her up and keep her company while she spends the next several weeks in the hospital. I know she loves pink, butterflies, and anything girly. 

If your interested in helping please send your cards/packages to the following address by Friday, October 29th (please have it in the mail on or before that date):

Trisha Theo 
Po Box 7806
North Port, Florida 34290

Thank you everyone in advance for spreading the word and helping this young girl get through such a hard time, 


Ps....if you'd like to send a card to Madison's parents with words of encouragement or your prayers, their names are Bobby & Maria.

Alphabet Challenge

I wanted to get back and start doing some challenges, here at this week there challenge was Z for using something with zig zag, I just bought some rick rack ribbon and really wanted to try it so I have used it here on my card for the challenge I hope you like it as much as I do, I am happy with the way it turned out as always please leave me your comments and if your not a follower feel free to click on the follow button at the right thanks for stopping by Debbie :)
Recipe is:
Cartridge: Create Critter mailbox cut @ 2 1/2
wording cut @ 1
stamp w/ love cut @ 1
Embossing folder: Zig Zag
Paper: K & Company
Punch: Martha Steward, Zig Zag
Ribbon: Rick Rack

Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Franken Tastic" Card

Here is a card I made I love the way it came out, I am having so much fun using these stamps from Pink by Design, they are great ok so here is my card I hope you like please leave me your comments, and also if your not a follower I would love to have you follow me, if you have a blog please post on your comment and I will follow with you as well, thanks for stopping Debbie :)
Recipe is :
Cartridge: Pumpkin Carving
Card Stock: Orange & Black
Embossing Machine
Dripping Goo Punch ( Martha Stewart)
Scallop Punch 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Challenge for Inking It Up Crazy

For this weekends challenge, Kassidy  thought it would be fun to step outside the box and comfort zone and make a Fall or Halloween project (except, cards or layouts) this is what I came up with, I had made these once before for a craft fair I had done, so I thought this would be fun to do again for the challenge I hope you enjoy it has much as I did making it, don't forget to leave your comments,  ok here is my project 
thanks for stopping by be sure to visit Kassidy's blog over at

Monday, October 18, 2010

Just A Little Treat Bag

Here is a little Halloween Treat Bag I was making, its really fast and easy for a kids party or for a school class room party or even can be made for a party favor also take a look,
like I said real fast and easy, I hope you enjoyed this thanks for stopping by and please leave me your comments, I love to here what you have to say Debbie :)

Sour Cream Containers

Wow I have been wanting to give this a try and now I did I am so happy the way this has turn out, being it's my first one I have made, please take a look, leave me your comments please, ok so here we go
I think they came out very cute, and really easy to make, I seen this over at my craft buddy, Jessica @ so I have to say a "Big Thank You" to Jessica for sharing this on her blog with this great video, please visit her and let her know I sent you over, thanks for stopping by, Debbie

Another Card

Here is another card I just made, yes I just fell in love with these little pumpkins, I think there cute, take a look at what I came up with this time please,
as always please feel free to be a follower if your not already I would love to have you join me, and if you have a blog, please leave your link here so I can come join you as well thanks for stopping by, Debbie

Another Halloween Card

Hello again here is another fun Halloween card I made today, I hope you enjoy this please remember to leave me your comments, also if your interested in being a follower please just click on the follow button at the right, ok onto my card I hope you like..
Recipe is:
Cart used: Everyday Dress Up, ghost cut @ 4in
Stamp wording is from: Pink by Design
Paper is: K& Company Halloween
Martha Stewart Punch: Spider Web
Hope you like, please leave me your comments, thanks for stopping by, Debbie :)

Pumpkin Card

Here is a card I made today I hope you all enjoy it, remember to leave me your comments please, also if your not a follower and would like to be, please do so just click on the button where it says follow, that's it thanks again for stopping by, Debbie :)
Recipe is:
Cart used is Speaking Fall, Pumpkins & Stem cut @ 2 1/2
Wording Stamp is from: Pink by Design @
Face Stamps are from: Peachy Keen Everyday Faces@
Paper is: K & Company Halloween
Ribbon, Michaels

"September Tag Swap"

Here are  my Tags I received in the mail the other day, this is so much fun, we've been doing this now for a few months now, I join this over at for more info you can visit her there, I always do 5 tags, and then I receive 5 more back from all different people, the month of Sept. we had to do "Destinations" I chose New York, this is my tag I made.

and this is what I received back in the mail, I love them all and think there just beautiful thank you all for stopping by, Debbie 

WINNER IS.......

Kathlee you are the winner of my "Blog Candy" here is a peek again of what you won!

please email me your address so I can get this right out to you..

kathlee said...

Really it! I think this means I must buy the Tags Boxes and More!
Thanks to all of you who hopped along with us this weekend I am so happy for your comments !

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Fun-mare" Before Halloween Blog Hop

Welcome to another fun Blog Hop, if you just came from Christine @
then your in the right spot, if you get lost I have the list at the end of this post, please don't forget to leave your comments in order for a chance to win some brewwwwwwwwwwww "blog candy" yay we all love candy, right!
Here is what I decided to make they are some little treat bags, I hope you will like them...

Here is the recipe:
Cartridge is..Tags, Bags, Boxes & More,
for treat bags, cut @ fit to page
Cartridge Oct. 31 for
Cat & Skeleton cut @ 2 3/4
Stamps : Pink by Design "Haunting We Will Go you can find them @
Paper K & Company
                                                      Punch Martha Steward Spider Web
                                                      Here is the "Blog Candy"
Now for the "Candy" just leave a comment, you don't have to be a follower even though I would love for you to follow me, please leave a way for me to CONTACT YOU, the winner will be picked Monday morning, not by me, by   Thank you so much for stopping by today Debbie, now on to the next is Iva and just in case you get lost here is the list
Jessica -
Cheri -
Cheryl -
Christine -
Debbie - 
Iva -
Jessica Baker -
Linda -
Liz -
Madison -
Martha -
Meighen -
Melanie -
Nicki -
Shelley -
Tammy -
Jessica -

Friday, October 15, 2010

Look What I Got

I was checking links tonight for tomorrow's Blog Hop and when I went to Meighen's blog I saw this award I started reading it and then saw who she passed it onto I saw my name, wow was I excited!  Thank you so much my dear friend and craft buddy I will be passing this onto some others soon, please visit Meighen's blog she has so really creative things there to see here is her site

Punky Teens Christmas Release Bog Hop

Punky Teens Christmas Release Bog Hop!
Welcome.....  you probably came here from if so you are in the right spot, if not you can start here, or if you get lost I have the list at the bottom for you to follow... 
So to all you Simply Betty Stamps fans! Welcome to our Punky Teens Christmas blog hop release! We have a super fun, long hop for you all! I thought I would get some of you involved by posting on my FaceBook page about joining in on the fun. I didn't think I would get a response... well I was wrong! I got many responses and I am so thankful and happy that many of you were willing to participate even when you didn't even know what the images were! I hope you all liked them, and I can't wait for everyone including myself to see them! Now onto the release hop!

Here is what I got to work with I just love her, don't she look cool looking, I have to be honest I just got this image I was late getting in here, and I'm scared too cause, I have never done a stamp image before this one, so please be kind with me when leaving comments, lol.  I just saw this on FB and thought let me give it a try I am so happy I did cause now I am in love with these stamps as I hope you will be too, thanks for stopping by, if you like my blog please be a follower with me, and now on to the next would be 

These fun, super quirky, and daring characters are part of the Punky teens, Christmas style!  Just hop along and see all the fun, cute, and quirky projects everyone has prepared for you! 

Now there is a special prize to be won on this hop... Guest DT for the Month of November! All you have to do is create a project using one of the Punky Teen Christmas images, upload it to inlinkz you see below and VIOLA! you are in for the race to become A Simply Betty Challenges Guest DT! 

You will have until 10/26 to complete and upload your project! The winner will be announced November 1st! Good luck and I hope to see many of you join in on the fun! 

Now onto the hop!

Wowie!  Now is that a blog hop or what!!  Please leave all the girls a comment, I am so grateful for their participation and hard work on such a short notice.  Thank you all again for hopping along!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Project for Inking it Up Crazy

As you know I was chosen a few weeks ago to be part of the DT over at her name is Kassidy she is awesome,  this week she ask her DT to make "Treat Bags" for Halloween so here is what I came up with:

here is what I used to make this Treat Bag,
Cricut Cart. October 31 Black Spider cut @ 2in
Martha Stewart Spider Punch
Pink by Design Stamps "A Haunting We Will Go"
you can purchase them @
Black Card Stuck cut @ 4 1/2 x 12
(scored @ 5 then 7)
Orange Card Stuck cut @ 4 1/2 x 3
(scored @1 1/2)
Orange Spider Web Paper (K & Company Halloween) cut @ 4x4, Clear Bags for candy, Ribbon, Hemp & Brads which are Pumpkins
thanks for stopping by if you like, please be a follower with me, just click on the button at the right where is says follow, please don't forget to leave me your comments, Debbie

Monday, October 11, 2010

Birthday Cards

I wanted to share a couple of birthday cards I just made this past wkend I hope you enjoy them, if you like please leave me your comments and as always feel free to be a follower with me just click on the follow button at the right thanks again for stopping by Debbie :)

Breast Cancer Card Challenge

Theresa Harris aka TheScrapbookingQueen @ she is doing this Breast Cancer Card Challenge for more information please visit her site that I have listed, it's amazing what she is doing, thanks Theresa.   This is my card I made for the challenge, I hope to do a few more and will mail them out to her, thanks for stopping by please join us on this wonderful challenge, thanks Debbie :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Paper or Fabric Crafter: Very Special ... Pass It On

Paper or Fabric Crafter: Very Special ... Pass It On: "This is a special Pass It On and the chance to win will be open longer than my others. Everyone has a special time of year and for me that..."

Friday, October 1, 2010

First Card for Inking it Up Crazy

Here is my first card I made for the design team I just got chosen for which is over at she is Kassidy  I was so excited she chose me along with 5 other lovely ladies who are amazing crafter's ok here is my card, you all know I love comments so please let me know what you think of it thanks for stopping by, if you like what you see here please be a follower with me and I would love to follow you as well, so leave me your blog here,
thanks Debbie