
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Challenge for Inking It Up Crazy

For this weekends challenge, Kassidy  thought it would be fun to step outside the box and comfort zone and make a Fall or Halloween project (except, cards or layouts) this is what I came up with, I had made these once before for a craft fair I had done, so I thought this would be fun to do again for the challenge I hope you enjoy it has much as I did making it, don't forget to leave your comments,  ok here is my project 
thanks for stopping by be sure to visit Kassidy's blog over at


  1. HI Debbie, thanks for following my blog. Actually that card is for a very very sick little boy. Nope we are not from New Jersey!! barb

  2. Cute little scare crow pot!

    Thanks for commenting on our cat. Bella is actually a deep gray and one small triangle under his neck! His tale is a deeper gray. Long story why we name "him" a girls name... but we thought we were getting a female... and the kitten already knew "it's" name ... LOL

  3. Aww this is such a cute and creative idea Deb! I love it!
