
Monday, November 8, 2010

We Have a Winner!

First I would like to say a Big Thank You to all of you, I am so happy to be here and share my projects, and so happy to learn so much more from all of you, this means so much to me that people are here to visit my blog and comment on my work, I love to here all of your comments, that keeps me inspired so much, so thanks to all of you for being my friends, Hugs!! Ok now onto the winner she is ladydi47 said...
Wow..I love the giveaway AND the music playing while I'm typing this post! LOL. Thanks bunches and congrats on reaching 300 followers!
Ok so Ladydi47 please email your info so I can mail your MS score board out to you, 
Debbie :)


  1. Congrats to the winner! Oh and btw Im loving how you store those cartridges! Where did you get those holders?

  2. Congrats to the winner, and yeah I was wondering the same as Amanda, those are really cute.

  3. those came from the dollar store, don't you love em!

  4. Hi Debbie.. I just tried to leave a message but I am not sure if it went through, so I am going to try again. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and really thank you for putting my button on your website. I really appreciate it, it means alot to me. I love your blog and your cards are really great!! I am now a follower of yours. Thanks again and I hope to get to know you better in the near future. Terri of TwoPinkPeas.Blogspot.Com

  5. Oh, I forgot to say that I am posting your button on my blog! Thanks again! Terri TwoPinkPeas.Blogspot.Com

  6. Congrats to the winner (even if I'm a bit jealous)!!! :) Enjoy!! :)
