
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Look what I found!

all @ AC Moore @ half off

AC Moore @ half off

all @ Micheal's @ half off

I was also given money and gift cards, so I went out shopping and I got some really great buys, I had a blast and now I am having so much fun. Thanks for stopping by I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and spent some time with your family and love ones as I did.. Hugs Debbie


  1. Awesome finds. Thank you for sharing. I am going to both stores later today.:) Hope you had a wonderful holiday hun! Happy New Year!


  2. Great shopping! I wish I had those stores near me...I need some retail therapy!

  3. Wow, that looks like a serious haul. What great sales.

  4. Lot's of pretty stuff!!! Great finds :-)

  5. I am so running to AC Moore tonight ....... what great finds you found!!

  6. Wahoo! Great finds!! :) I'm happy for you!!! :)

  7. Great finds! I need to check out the location of an AC Moore store that is close to me. I live in the sticks, where we don't even have any craft stores. :( So I've never even heard of it!

  8. Lucky you! The closeest M's to me is 100 miles away and no AC"s antwhere close as that. WE only hav HL and they haven't had much of a sale lately. We are getting a Joann's in the spring and I can hardly wait. The outside walls are up on the building. I drive by that area and say hurry up Joann.

  9. Great finds I usually miss out any any great deals....
