
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Birthday Give Away

Hello everyone and welcome to my "Birthday Give Away" Yes today is my Birthday so I just wanted to share a little about my self with you all, and share some of my Birthday cards I have made since I started my blog which was in May 2010. I can not believe how many followers I have already, and I have to say I am very happy to have you all following me, I love to follow all of you who have blogs as well.  I am very thankful to all the things I have learned in this crafting world, it's so amazing how many of us have the same love for crafting, card making, scrap booking, and just the love of all paper crafts, I am still going to learn the Quilling, I have too, thats a must!
I have made so many wonderful friends here, like Mary, Jess, Nicole, Meighen, Marianne, Theresa, Sarah, Nikki, Momo, Paula, Gloria, Emma, Robyn, Lisa, Julie, Linda, Rosy, and so many many more, please forgive me for the ones I didn't mention, brain freeze here, lol see this is what happens when we get older. I am now 49 yrs old today wow I can not believe this! Ok so now for my give away I am trying to reach more followers of course in order to win my give away you must be a "FOLLOWER" and go you must hit the "LIKE" button on my fan page here @   One more thing you must leave me a comment telling me what your favorite "Birthday" gift was and of course leave me your contact info if you are the lucky winner, this will be up for a week, the winner will be picked next Wed. Jan 19th have fun and thank you all for stopping to celebrate my "Birthday" with me!! HUGS TO YOU ALL!


  1. Love all the cards! I hope you have a Wonderful Birthday! i LOVE the cards with the cupcakes, and the shoe card is just too cute!

  2. Happy Birthday Deb. I hope your day awesome!
    I'm already a faithful follower of your blog and your fb page.
    My favorite birthday gift was a computer, desk, printer, & office chair my husband gave me for my 26th b-day, a long time ago. LOL


  3. Happy Birthday to you! You have beautiful work and I love stopping by for inspiration. My favorite birthday gift was when my hubby gave me a 30th birthday party and gotten all my friends to come. Since we all have family we don't spend as much time together as we used too. It was so fun. Thanx so much for the inspiration...:)

    nicolle at nicollelovesscrapbooking dot com

  4. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a fantastic day. My favorite birthday gift was my Kindle. I love it!! Great cards. My favorite is the it!!

  5. Happy Bithday to you! I love your cards especially the little pink birdie one! I think my favorite birthday present was my one and only cricut..the bug. You know I'm a follower and fan!
    Diana B.
    crb underscore deb at bellsouth dot net

  6. Happy birthday! Have a wonderful day. My fav birthday gift was the Stamp Cabinet my ex made for me. I love it! Love all your cards.

  7. Happy Birthday to you! How sweet of you to share presents with us!!

    Your cards are great!

    I am having 2 different giveaways on my blog as well! Stop by for your chance to win some Cricut cartridges!


  8. Happy Birthday, Love the cards. My favorite BD gift was 3 years ago my Mom had had bypass surgery unfortunately she had a stroke while on the table, 3 weeks later on my birthday she showed signs of recovering from the stroke.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  9. Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day! My favorite birthday gift was 8 Cricut cartridges! :) Great giveaway! I will be having a giveaway today for my 2000 FB friends. :)
    Here is my email address to contact me just in case I win.

  10. Happy Birthday to you.... Thank you so much for offering such a wonderful candy... I will be posting a picture and link on my sidebar for you.... Hope you have a fantastic birthday.... Huggs to you.... Beautiful cards

  11. Happy Birthday to you my wonderful friend. I hope that all of your birthday wishes for this year come true.

    My favorite birthday gift was 2 1/2 days late and I received it 17 years ago.. it was the birthday of my oldest child, my baby girl.

    Lots of yummy candy you are giving away, I need that cart. *chuckle* Of course I stalk you everywhere, your blog and facebook. Thank you for being a friend.

    Marianne S.
    sthquilter at gmail dot com

  12. I have always loved your work. Thanks for the chance to try and win. Be blessed on your day.


  13. Happy Birthday Debbie! I always love it when my husband gives me American money because that means we are going across the border shopping. Things are so much cheaper.
    Have a great day!

    Love all of your cards!
    What a great give away to celebrate your special day.

    Already a follower.

    My most favorite birthday gift in recent years is my Gypsy!

    Cricut Matriarch @ yahoo . com

  15. Happy Birthday! I love your cards! Thanks for the chance to win...I added myself on your FB page


    jtg0398 at sbcglobal dot net

  16. Awww... Thanks so much Deb for considering me your friend! Iwant to wish you the Best Day ever! Happy Happy Birthday Deb!!!

  17. Happy Birthday!!! I have been a stalker for sometime now and a fan of your facebook. My favorite birthday suprise was the year our youngest son flew in for my birthday and never said anything to anyone but his brother. I was sitting in the front of the house and a car pulled into the driveway and a young man in a rent a car got out with a huge bouquet of flowers in his arms and came walking down the driveway, it took me several seconds to realize it was Matthew. He had come home for b/d while he was on leave from the Marine.

  18. Happy Birthday Debbie;-} Totally Love your blog layout and all those beautiful cards you made. It's a pleasure being friend with you:) My favorite birthday gift was when hubby and my daughter surprised me with a trip to Disney six years ago.

  19. Happy Birthday! Mine is at the end of the month. I already follow your blog and now have liked you on FB. My favorite birthday gift was my first tennis bracelet last year. We have been married for 14 years and it wasn't anything I ever showed interest in wanting. He happened to be working at a Jeweler's last year on my birthday and picked it out for me. It is beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win a prize on your birthday, How sweet of you to be giving gifts. ;0)

  20. Lovin this one! A while back I was looking for a birthday card for a friend. I had zero luck finding what I was looking for. I told a group of friends about this problem one night while we were having a few drinks. We proceeded to get smashed and make up a bunch of greeting cards we found funny. I had been writing down the cards we made up and the next morning I read them. Much to my surprise the cards were still funny even when sober.

  21. Happy Birthday. I am already a follower of your blog. I received a lot of favorite Birthday gifts in my lifetime but my most favorite is to see another Birthday. My birthday is also in January. Thanks for being so generous and thanks for the chance to win!!

  22. Your card creations are darling, Debbie! Love your creative style! My favorite birthday gift was three years ago when my daughter and her husband surprised me with the news that I was going to be a GRANDMA - it's been the best adventure I have ever had!

  23. Happy Birthday Ms. DD! I hope you have a wonderful day. Love all the cards. My all time favorite Birthday gift was when my husband made me a scrapbooking room. I love having my own space. Everytime I walk into my room it's like openeing a new gift. I love it! Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
    pattig161 at yahoo dot com

  24. It's awful nice of you to give away something for your birthday. I think that my favorite birthday gift was my cricut three years ago.

  25. Happy Birthday!! My 49th is just a couple of months away....I just love your creations and you have inspired me more than once!

    My favorite birthday present was the Cricut Expression I got last year and my husband coming home from Afghanistan!!

  26. happy Birthday Debbie, I'm one of your new fans!!! Scrap Your World over at Facebook. I have enjoyed looking at your FABULOUS cards. I hope you have a great day and get some AWESOME presents. My fav bday gift was my Husband building me my very own Scrapbook house. I have pics on my page. He is wonderful even if he picks at my scrapping addiction!!! :)

  27. Happy Birthday Debbie! Hope you have the best day ever!

    Cricut Chick

  28. Love the cards. Happy Birthday to you. My fave b-day gift probably was my trip to Holland when I was 18. (long story) I "liked" you on FB, (didn't know you had a FB page) and already a follower here.
    Thank you so much for a chance to win this prize, you are so generous to give away a prize on your Birthday. Thanks.

  29. Happy Birthday My Dear blogging Friend! Hope your day is filled with all your love ones and the you are spoiled rotten. My favorite Birthday was my daughters Christys_Scrappin 40th Birthday, just Christy and I went to Vegas and had a wonderful time filled with so many wonderful memorys. A bithday I will never forget.

  30. Aww Deb, Happy Happy Birthday to you my sweet friend! I am grateful to have met you too.:) and yes you need to learn quilling my dear! My favorite Birthday present ever was my little man Lukas born on Feb. 3rd and my birthday is on feb. 15th Have a Happy one!
    Quilly Hugs,

  31. Happy Birthday!!!! I am already following and I have "liked" you on fb too :)My favorite Birthday present was my Cricut!!

    phenis2031 at yahoo dot com

  32. Happy Birthday DD! Its awesome you share a b-day with my mom! I hope you have a fantastic day!

    aecopenhaver at gmail dot com

  33. A very happy and blessed day to you! Love all the cards and so glad I am a follower. My favorite birthday gift was my Cricut of course. My hubby and oldest son are wonderful and always get me scrappingly good gifts. I hope you have a great day!

    Happy Scrappin'

    Sue B

  34. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day today! I love all of your cards - each one is too cute! I am a follower and I like you on Facebook. My favorite birthday gift was my Cricut Expression! :-) Thank you for the chance to win!
    carrie dot slaughter at gmail dot com

  35. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a fabulous day. You have been really busy with your cards! Thanks for all the inspiration. I'm already a follower and just liked you on FB. My favorite birthday gift is my dog, Kitsune. Adopted dogs are the most grateful, and it goes both ways :)

    spunkycrayon at yahoo dot com

  36. Happy Birthday! I hope your day awesome!
    I'm already a faithful follower of your blog and your facebook page.My favorite Birthday gift I got was 9 cricut cartridges from my husband and a hobby lobby gift card from my in laws.

  37. Happy Birthday! I am a follower & have been for a while on both here & your fb. I hope you have a wonderful birthday. My favorite b-day gift was a green throw my kids got me. not only was it my fav. color but they knew I get cold easy so they got me something to keep me warm.

  38. Happy Birthday!! I have been a follower for a little while now. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway on your birthday!! My favorite gift was a spa day when I was going through a very stressful time. My favorite birthday gift was when I received all sorts of fun crafting stuff this past year!!


  39. I hope you have a fun filled day on your birthday. I am already a follower I love your blog. What a giving person to give gifts on your birthday its suppost to be the other way around. ha.

  40. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have been a stalker, errr i mean follower for some time now! My favorite Birthday gift would have to be my Cricut! Thanks for a chance to win something!


  41. Happy Birthday my friend here's to wishing you many more! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a great prize!

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday present was when I was 11 and I got my own nintendo. I played Super Mario Bros for days. =)

    michellebrooks2001 at yahoo dot com

  44. Happy Birthday !!!YAY!! Hope you have a great day!!
    I love all those cards, too cute!!TFS!

    My favorite gift on my Birthday was my pink Cricut and my Gypsy, My husband got them both for me!

    pinkyswrspaper at gmail dot com

  45. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Hope you have an awesome day filled with lots of surprises.

    Love all your cards, appreciate you sharing.

    My favorite Birthday, goes way was a surprise party in my late 20's.

    Thanks for the chance to win the awesome blog candy.

  46. Happy Birthday =) Hope you have a great day =)

    My best birthdaygift would have to be my engagement ring =)

    l.a.nikolaisen at gmail dot com

  47. Happy Birthday!! Hope your day rocks! You cards are so beautiful. You've been busy! Thanks for the chance to win this amazing blog candy. I'm drooling over Beyond Birthdays! I "liked" your fb page :) My favorite birthday present was when my husband surprised me with a 3 day cruise to Mexico. It was so romantic :)

  48. Hey Debbie ! HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! We are both January baby's, yippie ! I remember you being one of my first friends and I think we started out blogs about the same time :) Hasn't it been sooo fun!!! HAVE WONDERFUL DAY AND CELEBRATION !!! You deserve it :)
    BTW...I just love clicking on your blog and listening to your music :)

  49. Happy Birthday Debbie!!
    I'm a follower! Let me see my favorite Birthday gift is when my son makes me his famous Bubba Love Burgers!! Yummy:) I always love to get anything to do with scrap booking too!
    kfordyce6638 at gmail dot com

  50. Happy Happy Birthday!! I am already a follower, thank you so much for the chance to win your blog Birthday candy!! Ill be back soon,- my fav. B-day present was what I got this year. I got an anni./ b-day gift of a wedding band, we didnt get a "set" when we got married, I just got a really nice engagement ring. So I was given my wedding band this year. I just love it.

  51. Happy Birthday! My favorite gift everyday is my daughter. When she was born they told me she had some serious health issues and did not know how long she would make it,Now she is a very happy 13 year old and I thank God everyday for her! Thanks for the chance to win! Dina

  52. oh- I liked your faceebook page- but Im under a diff. email and name on there.

  53. Happy Birthday! Great the one with the shoe! My fave birthday presents are always the handwritten cards that my 4 little ones make for me...they're like little fun to pull out and look at from time to time! :-)

    ~Sharon C.
    sconn0925 at yahoo dot com

  54. A very happy birthday! I am very new to the world of scrap booking & the cricut but I love it. So far I've been so happy to be able to make custom greeting cards for the members of my family. Your blog has been a very big inspiration. My favorite birthday gift was from last year. I opened the big box that Fed-Ex dropped off to discover a huge bag that was moving! My surprise was a three foot iguana! I don't know who was more scared her or me! It was certainly a memorable birthday that I won't forget. Thanks for the chance to win.
    Roxanna P.

  55. Happy Birthday! I am one of your newest followers, but I kinda feel like I know you a bit already. The reason? Marianne is my sister! Anyway, I love the card you made with the squrrel card, I just think it is too cute. I think my favorite birthday present, so far, would have to be my female doberman. She turned me into a dog Thank you for sharing and for a chance to win. Have a great day!

    dobiemom at gmail dot com

  56. Happy Birthday!
    Thanks for the awesome giveaway. I "liked" you on FB and am already a follower. My best b-day gift was a car (used) on my 16th b-day from my wonderful parents. :0)
    XO ~ Amy Jo
    amyjrockstar at gmail dot com

  57. I love your is always inspiring and love the cards you made over the year. Thanks for the opportunity to win and my favorite birthday gift when I was given a purple bear (my fave color) by my two sons when they were little..I still have the bear! :) Happy Birthday Debbie!

    Thanks for this giveaway on your birthday, I am now a follower and I "liked" you on facebook. My best ever birthday gift was from my husband it was my sewing/embroidery machine which was the most awesome gift ever! Stop by and check out my blog.


  59. Happy Birthday!! I absolutely LOVE the pink and green glittery blog background :) Anyways, I guess my favorite birthday gift would have to be my diamond stud earrings from my mom and dad. They gave them to me on my 21st birthday and I LOVE them!!! I hope you have an awesome day!

  60. Happy Birthday! I am already a follower, sorry I don't have FB.
    My favorite present was from my girls. they made me cards using my card supplies!

    Enjoy your day!

  61. Happy Birthday once again! I really hope it was a great day. I am already a follower and a fan! Of course! I guess my favorite birthday present ever was getting to go ride ATV's on my birthday last year and then it snowed a day later! :)

  62. Happy Birthday! I'm already a follower. I just went over and "liked" you on facebook and left you a comment. My favorite recent birthday gift was the Lacey Labels cart from hubby.
    sucor_2 at

  63. Happy Birthday!!
    Hope you have a SUPER FANTASTIC DAY!!!

  64. HAPPY BDAY TO YOU, cha cha cha. HAPPY BDAY TO YOU cha cha cha!!! HAppy bday!!! I am a folower liked your facebook page and left a comment!!! Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity!!

    Best bday wishes all day and everyday!!!

  65. Happy Happy Birthday!!! I'm already a follower and a liker. My favorite B-Day present was a sewing machine when I was 11. My Mom taught me how to sew and I've been sewing ever since. Hope you had a great day! Thanks for celebrating with us!

  66. Happy birthday! My favorite presents are my children.

  67. Happy Birthday, Debbie! I am already a Follower of your blog & your FB page!! Thanks for the Awesome chance to win your Birthday Candy!!
    My best birthday present was almost 2 years ago, when I got to be there when my Grandson was born, a few weeks before my birthday!

  68. Happy Birthday Debbie! I've been a follower for a while.
    My best present last year when i had all my family together for dinner. Even my son came in from out of town.

    I hope this year is just as wonderful. My birthday is in a few weeks.

  69. Hi Debbie! Happy Birthday. My name is Debbie and I'm 48 soon to be 49! My favorite birthday present was something done by my daughter when she was about 11-12. She had a project to do at school and she did a little story about me and her relationship and her fond memories and it made me cry and still when I get it out once in a while when I miss her I cry when I read it. She is 24 now and 1000 miles away. I miss her so much. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  70. Happy Birthday Debbie! Very nice candy!!! I'm a follower!
    I linked it on sidebar
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    My fave present was a cat))) That was a shocking present, but now I see that was the best present))))
    Hugs. Larisa. xxx

  71. Happy Happy Birthday Debbie and what a wonderful day it is. You are so generous to share your birthday with us. My favorite birthday present was my Barnes & Noble Nook that I got last year. I love it!


  72. Happy Birthday Debbie! Thank you for sharing presents with us on your special day. My favorite birthday present was getting breakfast in bed by my husband and children. It was a nice way to start the day. I have been a follower on here and now on FB. So cool!


  73. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEB Thanks for all that you share. Just joined you on your beautiful blog.
    Thanks for the chance to win...would love to win.
    Wishing you a great yr.

  74. Happy Birthday Deb! Love your cards, you are so creative!
    My favorite Birthday gift is spending the day with my 2 daughters doing "girl stuff" getting our nails done,movie, lunch then walk around the mall.
    I have been a follower of your blog for a while, and a fan of your facebook for a while too.
    TFS and a chance to win
    Bonnie C

  75. Happy Birthday Deb! And wishing you many more!
    Wow! What amazing blog candy - thanks for giving us the opportunity to win it. Have become a follower and also posted a link to your candy on my blog

  76. Happy Birthday Deb!!
    Love your work, I have enjoyed checking out your past work, such cute cards.
    My favorite birthday gift was the beautiful watch my husband gave me a few years ago.

    thanks for sharing and for the chance to win the awesome candy:)

  77. I'm a follower and I "liked" you on facebook. I love that card with the shoe on it! Ok my favorite b-day gift would be from my boyfriend this last year. He surprised me with a day at Disneyland and it was really sweet :)

  78. Happy Birthday!! I'm a follower and fb fan.. Love all your blog candy.. Hope I win..

  79. Happy Birthday DD!! Here's to wishing you so many more to come!! Thank you for the opportunity to be your friend on facebook, to follow your blog and to gain such inspiration and knowledge from your talent.

    My favorite birthday gift is and always will be having all 3 of my kids with me nothing brings me more joy. They each bring me an angel as a gift each year because they know I collect them.

  80. Happy Birthday to you. I hope you enjoyed your day. Favorite birthday present...hmmm...any and all from my husband. He always goes all out.

    coachfans at cox dot net

  81. Happy Birthday to you!!! My favorite gift was my Expression!!!

  82. Happy Birthday! Your cards are beautiful!! I have many great memories from my birthdays ... being with my children makes any of my birthdays special to me ... they are my greatest gifts.
    djhu98 AT aol DOT com

  83. Happy Happy Birthday:-) these cards are adorable! My fav gift so far has been my iPad. I am hopping on it right now:-)

  84. Happy birthday, you are very creative.

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. I love all of the cards! Thanks for the inspiration... Happy Birthday!

  87. Happy Birthday - I hope you enjoy it.. My favority Birthday present was the doll I got from my late grandma it was hers when she was a young girl. My bro and dad made a nice stand for her to sit on.

  88. Happy Birthday! I am glad to be a new follower of your blog! I have two favorite birthday presents: a card my son made for me last year and the giant set of knitting needles that my mother-in-law gave me. (Knitting is my other passion, besides my cricut of course!) Thanks for sharing your amazing talents with us!

  89. Happy happy birthday. great projects. My favorite birthday present, my husband surprised me with a Cricut Expression machine, I had no idea he was getting me one.

  90. Ok, seriously, your craft room is fantastic. Mine is a big mess in progress. Hoping to get a shelf put up in my next lifetime so i can acually have some room on my table:) Happy b-day and thanks for sharing. I fell in love with your cards, i'll be following you.

  91. Where did you get those little baskets you have stacked for your cartridges? It's just what I need!! I 'liked' you on FB and I've been a follower of your blog. My fav bday present was the game Mousetrap when I was 9. Love your stuff.

  92. Great cards. Wishing you a belated Happy Birthday. I've had so many great birthdays it's hard to pick just one favorite gift, but I do remember the ice skates I received when I turned 10. Used them everyday.

    vwilson577 at yahoo dot com

  93. I love all the cards but my favorite is the shoe. Thanks for sharing with us.
    gram gram 66 at g mail dot com

  94. sorry my favorite birthday gift was a collie puppy named Duke years ago.

  95. Happy Belated Birthday! My birthday was Tuesday the 11th! Love your cards and thanks for the awesome giveaway! My favorite birthday gift would have to be my birthstone ring I received from my sweetie!

    mlenclade at gmail dot com

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. What adorable cards! My favorite birthday gift was a surprise trip to Dallas for my 40th birthday. Stayed in a 'fancy' hotel and ate at a 'fancy' restaurant -- lots of fun!

  98. Happy Birthday Deb!!! What wonderful cards you made!!! My fav is the shoe, but followed closely by the bird and the cupcake!! They are all so cute!!! I'm not far behind you as I turn 47 next month! My fav b-day gift is a new laptop my hubby just ordered for me! YAY! Enjoy your day!!!! I'm a follower here and on your FB page...thanks for the invite! TFS

  99. Deb, Happy Belated Birthday to you. Your cards are darling. I too have to say my favorite is the shoe!


  100. Happy Birthday, and hope you have many more. My favorite present was my it.

  101. Happy Birthday! I love your cards, especially the shoe card. I'm a shoe girl. I am a new follower.


  102. Happy Belated Birthday! Which cart did you use for the shoe - it's so cute!
    I am a follower her and on Facebook.

    My favorite birthday gift was just this past year - my kindle! I love it!

    ksully4597 at gmail dot com

  103. This comment has been removed by the author.

  104. Happy Birthday!! I have to say my favorite gift was when my husband was in a coma for over 3 weeks, I would whisper to him to please wake up before our son's birthday (our birthday's are 1 day apart)....took a while but he did start coming out of it right in time!! Love your blog!! Definately will be following!!

  105. SORRY! I forgot to add my contact info so disregard the previous post from me :P

    Hiyas! I hope you had a terrific birthday with many more wonderful years to come! :) My favorite bday gift would've been the year I got roller skates after asking, BEGGING for them for months. FINALLY!! I think I was 8, metal wheels, I don't think the neighbors appreciated the noise but I was HAPPY!! :)


    txzgirl33 at AOL dot com

  106. Happy Birthday to you and hope it was a wonderful day. My favorite gift was my Cricut Expression last year. It has started me onto yet another craft adventure.
    quilt 4 fun 2 at hot mail dot com

  107. Happy Birthday! My favorite gift was my new bike when I was 8!

    cascrapper at gmail dot com

  108. Hope you had a great birthday and an awesome year leading up to your 50th! :o)
    Thanks for sharing! :o)

    scrappingsomememories dot blogspot dot com/

  109. Happy birthday,wishing you a healthy wealthy year :)
    Thanks for the chance to win !

  110. Happy Birthday!

    I am already a follower and I just went and liked you on your FB fan page! :)


  111. Happy Birthday! I love your blog. I'm your newest follower. My favorite birthday present was a hand crafted purse to hold a trophy belt buckle. Hope you have a special day.

    kristi_kaye at sbcglobal dot net

  112. Happy Belated Birthday Debbie, love all the cards BUT isn't the birthday girl suppose to GET cards lol.Fav birthday gift was more of an birthday is the day after Christmas and a couple years ago my husband surpised me with a 3 day trip, just told me to pack a bag and off we set. It was a beautiful sunny drive through newly snow covered mts/valleys to a couple great hotels. Something totally unexpected for my husband to do...I loved it. Hope you had a great birthday.
    Cathy S

  113. Happy Birthday!! My best birthday gift ever, was my kitty, Brody. I love animals, and he's probably the sweetest kitty I've ever come across!

  114. Happy Birthday! I just celebrated mine on the 7th! The best birthday I have ever had, well I've had several that were over the top in my opinion! When I turned 21, my brother who lives in Seattle, had me out to visit and he took me on a dining train and then it stopped at a winery. We enjoyed a first class seat with a first class dinner and dessert. The winery was awesome and tasting wine was fun and informational! It was so special to me. On my 19th birthday my Grandma Millie RIP, took me for a week to Nashville! We went to the Grand Ole Opry and I even had a former country star sing me Happy Birthday! I just remember all of my birthdays being pretty special because they have always been small, intimate celebrations! God Bless You!

  115. Happy Birthday!!!! Hope it is just awesome. I've been a follower now I am a friend on FB. The best gift I received lately was my craft robo that I got a few years ago. It introduced me into the world of e cutters. :) Thanks for the chance to win.
    annadowdy at gmail dot com

  116. Happy Birthday. Hope your day was craftylicious. (is that a word) Love all cards

  117. Happy Birthday!!!
    Your cards are adorable. The best present I received was eleven years ago. There was a week long country concert that really wanted to attend but we didn't have the money for me to go, we were getting married a few months later. My hubby asked everyone to chip in and give one small item that I would need (we would be camping in a farmer's field and it was several hours away in the States). On my birthday I received a gift bag filled with nessesities and at the bottom was my ticket, I was shocked and speechless.

  118. You are so talented! I hope you had an awesome birthday! My favorite birthday present was a wallet I rec'd from my mom and dad when I was 12 yrs. old. Funny how we remember crazy things like that!

  119. Hope your birthday was awesome! I love your cards!!! My fave birthday present was given to me by my hubby....My cricut in 2009. :D

    queen_lade at yahoo dot com

  120. Happy Belated Birthday DD, I hope you had a wonderful day! I love the birthday cards that were awesome. TFS Susan

  121. Happy Birthday!! All your cards are so beautiful. My special bday gift would have to be my Cricut(from my 2 sisters) I still don't reach for it as much as I should but have made a new year resolution to use it more.

  122. happy birthday! the cards were fantastic! my fav gift was my expression :)

  123. Happy Birthday!
    Your cards are great!
    I'm a follower of your blog and "liked" your facebook page.
    My favorite birthday gift was my cricut!
    Have a great day!!
    reneeleeak at yahoo dot com

  124. Happy birthday Debbie!!!
    Love all your cards. My best present had to be a cake that my husband and son made for me. It was so sweet and baking cakes for him is not his thing. TFS and the chance to win!

    Christel a.k.a. Scrappin' Sista

  125. Happy Birthday! your cards are awesome! may have to borrow some ideas! hope you had a great day!

  126. Happy birthday, liked all your cards and became a new follower. My favorite birthday gift was my diamond earings from my hubby.
    Karen k 3 at ameritech dot net

  127. Happy Birthday! I love all of the cards - especially the on with the shoe. My favorite birthday is the one I celebrated years ago with my brother that had an Elvis theme! Thank you for sharing!

  128. Happy Birthday, I did leave "LIKE" on your FB. Love your cards, they are so sweet! My favorite birthday gift, my girls taking me to Cali!!! Thank you for the chance to win!
    mhalford6 @aol. com

  129. Happy Birthday!! What an amazing blog hop!! True success! So many great cards!! This has been fun!


  130. Happy bday!! Hope it was wonderful! :)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Cheryl @

  131. Happy Birthday and thanks for the great Birthday Candy!! I would have to say that my favorite birthday gift was when my Husband Took me to a very romantic Resturaunt and Gave me a Beautiful Diamond necklace and a dozen red roses. It was a big surprize, because he hardly ever does that!!

  132. Happy Birthday! Super cute cards. :) My favorite gifts are my Cricut cartridges. have a great day!

    star24601 at gmail dot com

  133. My favorite was my expression 4 years ago:)

  134. Hi, I forgot to add my favorite gift...I was 8 or 9 and my dad bought me this gold necklace where the pendant was the word, "Aloha." I wore that everywhere, til it broke a couple years later. Turned 40 this year and parents got me a Hawaiian heirloom bracelet. I'm happy! :) Love your blog..hoppin along.

  135. Love that cute pink birdie card.

    My favorite gift was a brownie flash camera circa 1958!

    dianaherrera at comcast dot net

  136. Beautiful card! Happy Birthday to you! My favorite birthday gift is the one I get every year! My b-day falls around Columbus Day so I am always close to a long weekend. My hubby picks a place we have not been and off we go for three days. I absolutely love it! Enjoy & cherish your last year in the 40's!

  137. fave bday gift??? my gift cards to avenue and michaels!!

    tfs your projects

    felkatz at gmail dot com

  138. A Belated Happy Birthday to you! Love your blog and became a follower today. Awesome projects and awesome blog candy too! Thanks for both the inspiration and the chance to win!

    lucyblueeyz at yahoo dot com

  139. Oh, I forgot! My favorite birthday gift EVER was a brand new Hyundai Santa Fe that I bought for myself 3 years ago! Love my little SUV!

    lucyblueeyz at yahoo dot com

  140. I love all the birthday cards you've made.
    Hope you have or had a wonderful Birthday.
    Hugs, Debi

  141. Have a great birthday! Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy!

  142. Have a super great Birthday !!


  143. Happy Belated Birthday! Hope that you had a wonderful day, and that you got something fabulous! My favorite birthday gift ever was probably last year..hubs took me for a three day get away to Disney World..just the two of us. It was fun to be alone and act like kids :)

  144. I hope you had a great birthday.

    amandaremus at gmail dot com

  145. Wishing you a great bday... love your blog.

  146. Happy Birthday to you!!! My favorite birthday was when I became a mom, he was born about 2 weeks before my birthday so we made plans that we could take him with us!!
    jmpresearch @

  147. Happy Birthday to you!!! My birthday is the day after yours!!! The same as Alex's! This is such fun to share close birthdays with so many creative minds! My best birthday present was my grandson born on January 1st 2009!! He was earlier than my birthday by 12 days but early presents are just fine with me!
    Off to the next blog!

    funamom at yahoo dot com

  148. Hope your BD was wonderful! Thanks for sharing your creative goodies.
    One of my favorite BD gifts was a gold Mickey Mouse watch. I have had it for 20+ years. I still wear it on occasion.
    Belinda at

  149. I love these party favors !! What a great idea !!
    Happy Birthday !!

  150. Happy belated birthday (sorry I'm late)! I hope you're having a great weekend and still celebrating. I love all your projects and plan to visit often to see what fun new ideas you've come up with. Thanks for the opp to win some blog candy, too!


  151. I love your cards. Well I'm a January B-day too, mine was the 7th. Happy Birthday. I hope you had a great day.

  152. Happy belated birthday. I just love your projects. Thank you so much for sharing.

  153. Hope you had a great birthday. thanks for the chance at the give away.
    scrappydappydoodler at yahoo dot com

  154. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. My favorite gift was my Create a Critter Cartridge. I just got it today for my birthday!!

    sjpenkacik at gmail dot com

  155. Happy belated Birthday! Love the Critter cards!

  156. Happy birthday! I am only 3 years behind you. I am thrilled to become a follower because your cards are gorgeous! I already liked you on FB and hope that brings even more followers. My best birthday gift was from my hubby when we were just married. He remembered that I liked wedgewood and went out and got that years wedgewood Christmas ornament, (my birthday is in November ). I was so impressed that he remembered that it has stuck with me as the best for our 18 years of marriage.

  157. I am now a follower. I like you on facebook. I hope you had a great birthday. My best birthday present is just getting my family together. Thank you for the great giveaway.

  158. Hope you had a fabulous Birthday! Those cards are just adorable, my favorite is the shoe one!! My favorite birthday present is my Mom's homemade chicken and dumplings soup!! Thanks for the chance to win your birthday giveaway!

  159. Love your blog. The cards are all fantastic. Love the critters. My best birthday present was getting my cricut expression. Thanks for the giveaways.

  160. I love all the birthday cards! You are so talented. Thanks for the chance to win the awesome prizes!! My favorite birthday present was last year my husband gave me money towards a girls weekend away with my friends. We had so much fun we are planning to do it again this year!

  161. Happy Belated Birthday! I found your blog through the blog hop. I have become your newest follower and also have hit the like button on your FB page. You have darling ideas. My favorite birthday present was a Mediterranean Cruise. It was awesome. Thanks for a chance to win your fabulous prizes. Again Happy B-day.

  162. I forgot to leave my contact information, just in case I am lucky enough to win these great prizes. So here it is marloberrett at gmail dot com

  163. Happy birthday - love your cards! I've been both a follower here and a liker on facebook for a while now! Thanks for all the inspiration and for the chance to win!
    qtme2003 at yahoo dot ca

  164. Happy Birthday. I love your cards. I'm a new follower of your blog. I also clicked "like" on your facebook page. Lastly, my favorite gift was a 50th surprise birthday party given to me by my husband and 3 children - awesome!! TFS and for the opportunity to win.


    gigiact2 at bellsouth dot net

  165. I am a new follower (FB too!) and I just love your blog. You have created some great cards over the past year and I really like your design style. Happy Birthday and remember age adds beauty! Thanks for sharing. AJ - queenofmynest(at)gmail(dot)com

  166. Happy Birthday!!!! My Birthday is actually on the 20th. I love your craft room!!!! and, your blog. My favorite birthday gift was my cricut expression my hubby and my kids got it for me wow four years ago I guess. (maybe even five years ago). I use it all the time. I'd be lost without it. Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome blog goodies.
    mpetrovich23 at yahoo dot com

  167. I love your work

  168. Happy Birthday. I have so many wonderful birthday but the best is when my daughter (she's 5) decorated the house for me.


  169. Most recent memorable birthday was having an all-night crop for my 50th. It was a blast!
    Amyscats at

  170. My Favorite Birthday gift was my new Car! We just happened to sign the papers on my birthday so my little kept telling everyone "Daddy got Mommy a Car for her Birthday!

  171. Happy Birthday! Great Blog :)

  172. Hi Deb,

    Hope your birthday was special!!! :) Enjoy your last year being able to say you're in your forties! ;)

    My favorite birthday present ever was from my boyfriend (now my husband) when I was still in my (late) twenties. He showed up at work with a new formal velvet dress & matching shoes, and surprised me by taking me to a fancy dinner and then to Phantom of the Opera!!! It felt like a fairytale!

    Happy birthday again (to a fellow Capricorn)!

    partridgelu at yahoo dot com

  173. Happy birthday to you :-)
    What a wonderfully generous candy! So sweet of you.
    My favourite birthday pressie was a digital photo frame :-) Displaying my photos until I get a chance to scrap them!! LOL

  174. Happy Birthday! What an awesome giveaway!

  175. i really like the cupcake card thanks so much for sharing also can i have your desk please!!! =)

  176. Hello and a very Happy Birthday to you!
    My best birthday present is a tie between my cricut create that I got 2 years ago (which has since been sold and I upgraded to the expression) and my pandora charm bracelet which I got last year. Both were given to me by my husband who I love so much and who has grown to know me so well and know my likes and dislikes!
    I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!

  177. My 40th Birthday party, they still talk about today and that was 23 years ago LOL wow I still remember,
    I know you enjoy your birthday

  178. Happy Birthday! Thank for giving us the chance to win)))
    All your cards are so beautiful.

  179. Hi!
    New Follower, New FB 'Liker' ...

    My best birthday gift was actually on my 25th birthday when I finally got to go to the Wild West gun range in WEM in Edmonton. It had been about 10-13 years since I had shot a gun and it was awesome!! I got to shoot a 9mm.

  180. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! You are an amazing artist. I enjoy reading your blog, there is always something new to try and you inspire me to do just that. I love to learn new things.....

  181. Thanks for sharing your inspiration and creativity and the chance to win something that will help us be more creative!

    My favorite birthday gift was an evening spent at home with my favorite meal and family board games! Great memories are sometimes the best gifts! I'm a new follower! Contact by leaving message at

  182. Hi, I just love your site, just gorgeous, everything you do is just so creative, I am being inspired just by looking at your cards. Oh yes, and a Happy birthday to you, I hope you got your favorite gift today. My favorite birthday gift was just this last november 17th my husband and kids bought me my cricut imagine. I just love it. good luck to all gina kinde

  183. Happy Birthday Deb!!!!!!

    I just love the B-day cards you made, my favourite B-day gift was my Cricut Cake....
    brodiec88 at hotmail dot com

  184. Hey, Deb! I hope you had an awesome birthday! Thanks for becoming follower #50 on my blog! :o) I'm now a follower on your blog and will be "Liking" your facebook page. Your projects are all so cute! Thanks for sharing!

    Oh, and my favorite birthday gift was getting to hop on a train and spend a few days in Paris with my hubby! Ooo, la la!

    lnorris21 at hotmail dot com

  185. Happy Birthday girly.... Wow 49... you know next year we will have to have a big crafty party for your 50th...

  186. Happy Birthday! Love ALL your cards! Brand new follower here...yay!
