
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Jewish Apple Cake

today I made this cake I had mention it on my FB page and I was ask to post some pics, so I wanted to share the recipe also, I love this cake it was passed down from my Grandmother, I always remember when I was a kid going into her kitchen and she was always cooking or baking something and it always smelled so good, boy do I miss those days, ok I hope you will love this cake as much as my family and I do.
Bake @ 350 for 1hr and 25mins.

Cinnamon & Sugar Mix
1/2 cup of sugar, 2 tsp. of cinnamon (mix this together in small bowl)

Mix together: 
3 cups of flour 
2 cups of sugar 
1 cup of veg. oil
4 eggs
1/4 cup of orange pineapple juice (I just used plain orange)
2 1/2 tsp. vanilla 
3 tsp. baking powder
Beat until smooth, I beat eggs first, then sugar, vanilla, then everything else little at a time.
Peel and slice 4 large Apples 
pour half of cake batter into tube pan, I spray with pam first
then add half of the apple slices on top of cake batter sprinkle with the mixture of cinnamon and sugar then repeat the rest of batter on top of the apple slices, then sprinkle with the rest of cinnamon and sugar mix, 
then pop in oven and enjoy the smell!

Hugs Debbie :)


  1. YUMMY! I might have to try this recipe!! Thanks for sharing:)

  2. I tried the recipe this evening. It's super simple to make and it turned out delicious! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. OMG! This looks so good, and I am on a stupid diet :( all I can have is the apples, boy this sucks big time! But I think I will make it for Hubby anyway. TFS!

  4. I have to do it!!! Love apples cakes!!
    Thank you!!

  5. Looks mmm mmm good. Thanks for the recipe.
