
Monday, May 23, 2011

Birthday Bash Blog Hop

 Welcome to my blog today first I would like to wish Lisa @ a Happy Birthday!!  She is not only celebrating her Birthday but her daughters as well who is turning 20.  If you just came from Bobbi @ then your headed in the right direction. Lisa will have a grand prize over at her blog in order for a chance you MUST leave a comment on every blog and be sure to become a follower as well. Here is my Birthday Card I have made for today Hop.

cartridge & stamp set I used 

Hi Cupcake!

side view

inside of card 
thanks for stopping by today please be sure to leave a comment
your next stop is with Leila @
don't forget Lisa will have a Grand Prize over on her Blog she will be your last stop.
Hugs Debbie :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

1000 Follower Give Away


You have 5 ways of winning this fun Cartridge:

1) Become a Follower:  leave me a comment telling me you are a follower. If you already a follower just leave a comment saying that you are a follower.
2) Advertise this Give Away on your blog, then come back leaving comment with a link to the post for Give Away on your Blog.
3) Add my Button to your blog, leaving a comment with a link to your blog.
4) "Like" on my Face Book page go to top of page, leaving me a comment telling me, if you have already just leave that in comment.
5) Subscribe to my Blog using the "Subscribe via Email" at the right leaving me a comment telling me you do or have already.

Make sure each of the top is done in separate comments giving you more chances of winning.
Please US residents only.
Each entry will be verified.
I hope to reach my 1000 Followers as soon as I do I will pick one lucky winner by
Thanks to everyone for helping reaching my 1000 Followers.
Hugs Debbie

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ribbons & Rhinestones Day 2

Hello and welcome back for another fun day I hope you all had lots of fun yesterday, ok so today I have made another Birthday Card I had fun with this one too I felt like I just went with it!! So if you want to start from the very beginning you can do so with Stacey the Birthday Girl her blog is @ and if you just came from Jess @ then your in the right track. I have "Blog Candy" for one lucky winner you must leave comments on both post which is yesterday's post and this one you are at now cause I am going to add them together then will pick one lucky winner and it will be posted   on Monday May 23. Here is my card for today I hope you like :)

These Cake cartridges come in very handy 

Lots of Rhinestones 

side view 
thanks for hopping with us the last 2days I hope you enjoyed
your next stop is with Esmeralda @
please remember to leave your contact info in case your that lucky winner
and Please Wish My Friend Stacey a Happy Birthday!!
Hugs Debbie :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Ribbons & Rhinestones

Hello welcome to my blog today, I am very happy one of my friends here in the blogging world Stacey @ has ask me to be part of her Birthday Celebration so that was very exciting for me, so if you just came from another one of my good friends here who is Jess @  then your headed in the right direction Jessica is such awesome Crafter I love her. Stacey ask us to make anything Birthday Theme using Ribbons & Rhinestones.  I have made this card for my cousin daughter's 13th Birthday.  Ok for this hop I have a little bag of "Blog Candy" for one lucky winner, all you have to do is leave me a comment I would love for you to be a follower as well,  please take a look around if you like what you see please click the FOLLOW button to the right ------> easy right !! Ok so here is my card please enjoy the rest of the hop for the next 2days..
Rock Princess Cartridge 

You Rock

Inside of  Card 
I hope you liked my card today remember in leaving your
comment be sure to leave your contact info incase you
are that lucky winner.  Ok your next stop is
Esmeralda @
thanks again for stopping by today
Hugs Debbie :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

500 Follower Give Away

I just found this new blog and I am loving it. Please ck it out not only is it a great blog but look at this awesome 500 Follower Give Away boy would I love to have this cartridge please go over and visit Scrappin with Cricut I am sure you will love it.
you can visit her blog here @

Thursday, May 12, 2011

My Blogoversary

Look what today is for me and my Blog !!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day Blog Hop

 Live Strong Blog Hop please click Here 

Happy Mother's Day     
Welcome to our  Mother's Day Blog Hop!! I am so happy to be in the hop today. I would like to say a Big  Thanks to Jen Roseman for asking me to be in her Blog Hop this wkend. She has put this "Mother's Day Blog Hop" together for us. If you just came from Kathy's blog @ then your headed in the right direction, if your just hopping by today and would like to start at the beginning you can start Here I will be having a small bag of "Blog Candy" for one lucky winner, I will pick a winner on Friday so please leave a comment with your contact info in case your that lucky winner. I would love for you to look my blog over and if you like what you see please feel free to follow with me all you have to is click on the follow button at the right side bar, if you have a blog as well please leave your link so I can follow your blog.. Here is my Mother's Day Card for all you lovely mother's!! I hope you like it. 
Happy Mother's Day!

front of card
inside of card

 thanks for stopping by today
your next stop is with Tanya @ 
please remember to leave your contact info 
with your comment for the chance to win.
Hugs Debbie :)                      

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Live Strong Blog Hop

Hello welcome to my blog, today this is very special for lots of us.  This hop theme is for any kind of cancer so I made it for "Breast Cancer Awareness" I have a dear friend who is 10yr Breast Cancer Survivor, I myself had a real scare a few yrs ago thinking I had it and  "Lucky" for me after going under all the testing it was not Cancer, thank the lord for that! So this card I have made is for all those who know or are fighting or is a survivor of "Breast Cancer" I would like to thank Maria @ for putting this together for us please make sure you stop over at her blog. If you just came from that Crafty Girl Gloria @ then your in the spot, she is awesome I just love her blog! Ok lets get started, after you look at my card, please be sure to leave me a comment cause I will be picking a winner on Monday morning for a small bag of "Blog Candy" make sure to leave your contact info as well. If you like what you see here I would love to have you become a follower with me on my blog, just click on the Follow Button at the right side of my blog. Thanks for stopping today.
This is all what I used.

I added some twine for the laces, and
sentiment was printed out on computer.

inside of card 
I hope you enjoyed my card today, your next stop is going to be with Sonia who is a cancer survivor! Sonia is  @ you will just love her blog.
don't forget to leave your contact info with your comment, so you can have a chance to win a small bag of "Blog Candy"
Hugs my friends
Debbie :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cricut-Tastic Award

Hello I am so happy and excited in getting this award, I couldn't wait to share with all of you, but first I want to say a Big Thank You to Lezlye for the "Cricut-tastic Award. I just love her blog you can visit her here @  Ink and Paper Creations.

      Here are the rules for accepting this wonderful badge of creativity.
Your blog has been deemed Cricut-tastic. 
Wear this badge proudly on your blog and share it with friends. 
Share this award with 10 people that you think have Cricut-tastic blogs. 
You also have to tell 5 Cricut related things about yourself.

my 5 Cricut things are: 
1) I bought my first machine in 2009 which was the Expression it sat in the box for awhile before I ever took it out of the box.
2) I then started buying lots of cartridges, lots of them came from E-bay.
3) I then bought the little Personal Cricut, from HSN just because of the 4 cartridges it came with for such a great price. 
4) I then bought the Gypsy, again from HSN I love it and have to say I am still learning it. 
5) I also bought the Cricut Create from E-bay, cause I just have to have it.
ok I know they said 5, but I have one more
I also got the Cricut Cake from my daughter for Christmas, oh and I have over 80 cartridges.
Here are the Cricut-tastic Blogs I am giving this Award to:

There are so many more that are Cricut-tastic I am sure they will get them very soon, please stop by all of these wonderful cricut-tastic Blogs to congratulate them. 
Hugs to all my friends
Debbie :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mother's Day Card

Hello again wow I have been doing anything the last wk and now this is my second post for today. I would like to share this quick and easy card I made today, as you can see its for Mother's Day  I hope you like. Thanks for stopping by again.

Hope to see you back here real soon I will be posting more this wk.
Hugs my friends
Debbie :)

Crochet Blanket

Hello and welcome to my blog today I wanted to share something different with all of you, as you all know I love to make cards and scrapbook well I also crochet too, and I just love it, its the most relaxing thing to me besides being in my craft room so please take a look and tell me what you think of my Crochet Blanket I just finished I hope you like as much as I do I just love these colors they are my favorite..
I hope to here all your comments Hugs Debbie :)

Red Heart Yarn "Candy Print"

thanks for stopping by today