
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cricut-Tastic Award

Hello I am so happy and excited in getting this award, I couldn't wait to share with all of you, but first I want to say a Big Thank You to Lezlye for the "Cricut-tastic Award. I just love her blog you can visit her here @  Ink and Paper Creations.

      Here are the rules for accepting this wonderful badge of creativity.
Your blog has been deemed Cricut-tastic. 
Wear this badge proudly on your blog and share it with friends. 
Share this award with 10 people that you think have Cricut-tastic blogs. 
You also have to tell 5 Cricut related things about yourself.

my 5 Cricut things are: 
1) I bought my first machine in 2009 which was the Expression it sat in the box for awhile before I ever took it out of the box.
2) I then started buying lots of cartridges, lots of them came from E-bay.
3) I then bought the little Personal Cricut, from HSN just because of the 4 cartridges it came with for such a great price. 
4) I then bought the Gypsy, again from HSN I love it and have to say I am still learning it. 
5) I also bought the Cricut Create from E-bay, cause I just have to have it.
ok I know they said 5, but I have one more
I also got the Cricut Cake from my daughter for Christmas, oh and I have over 80 cartridges.
Here are the Cricut-tastic Blogs I am giving this Award to:

There are so many more that are Cricut-tastic I am sure they will get them very soon, please stop by all of these wonderful cricut-tastic Blogs to congratulate them. 
Hugs to all my friends
Debbie :)


  1. Thank you so much it means alot to me you think I cricut-tastic

    {{Hugs and Royal Wishes}]
    The Scrapbooking Queen

  2. You deserve it sweetie!

    Thanks so much for the goodies! Love how everything matches!

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Congrat's on winning this award.

    Wow I would love to win this award I would be so proud to get one.


    Donna Scrapp'n Nana

    want to look, I would love you too.

  4. Congrats! You should be very excited. Well done. Have a great weekend!!!
