
Monday, June 6, 2011

Kassidy's Month Long Birthday Bash

Welcome to my blog, I was so honored when Kassidy sent me a email asking if I would like to part of her Birthday Bash!  She is going to be posting something special everyday with a "Give Away" so please be sure to visit her Blog all this month @  I would like to first say thanks and Happy Birthday to my dear friend Kassidy, she is so helpful and caring I am happy to say she is my friend.  I chose to show my "Craftroom Organization" how I store my little $ stamps in a binder, how I stack my paper, and how I store my Cricut Cartridges also, please take a look...

Boxes for Cartridges that don't come in a box

Cricut Solutions Cartridges, from pic up above

My cubes for storing papers, and lots more 

My work area 

Cricut Cartridges I got these Creates @ the Dollar Store 

 Small clear stamps, in baseball card sleeves then in binder 
please feel free to ask me any questions you may have.  I love to learn more about organizing so if you have something that would be helpful please leave in your comment.  Thanks for stopping by today also feel free to be a follower with me if you have a blog I would love to come follow you as well leave me your link in a comment. Make sure you stop by Kassidy's blog each day this month @ to learn lots more.


  1. I am super envious of your craft room and machines!!!! You are very organized and!!! I hope mine looks like that some day...I was looking at your projects and girl you have serious talent . you are super creative...I love the green card on the stand and wonder what you used for the silver part towards the bottom and branches out toward each side!
    I am actually on the Father's Day Blog hop but can see it here but still glad to have seen your page... can you direct me where to go? Thank you , I am a new follower!

  2. Wow! I only wish I was half as organized as you are. Thanks so much for sharing!

  3. You're space is so neat and organized. I like how you have separate store compartments for different products. Your paper cabinet is wonderful. An I love the way you organize the Cricut carts. Found you through Kassidy.

  4. where did u get book for storing stamps ? What would be a god way to store bigger rubber stamps? I use the dollar store bins for my cricut cartridges too
