
Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary Card

Hello my crafty friends, sorry I've been missing here a bit, but I have been very busy at wk and when I come home I am just so tired and this past wk was a bad one for us who lived in NJ well first we had our first "Earth Quake" and then a Hurricane this past wkend wow what a wk well thank god were are ok !! So now on to my card, I had to make a anniversary card and this is what I decided on I hope you all will  like it please leave me your comments, thanks again for visiting my blog today please come again.

again thanks for visiting me today please come again
hugs my friends,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Olive Card

Hello all and welcome to my blog, today I was looking in my stamps and I've had this cute stamp and have never used it so I thought why not give it a try, so here is the card I came up with I hope you will like it, I have to say I do like the paper I have chosen as well I think it goes great with this cricut cut, please tell me what you think about it.

thanks for visiting my blog today and please be sure to look for the link here for my "1000 Follower" Give Away!
hugs my friends

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Birthday Card for a Co-Worker

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I had promised I was going to post the pic of the card I was making the other night for a co-worker so here it is yes I am a little late posting it but here it goes I hope you all will enjoy as I did enjoy making it.

thanks again for visiting my blog I hope to see you all back here real soon.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

What a Cute Pear

Hello again and welcome back to my blog, for today's card I have made this cute card with this cute little sentiment from one of those $ stamps from AC Moore, I just love these stamp sets. I am loving this cartridge Preserves I have had it for sometime now but have to say I really haven't used it that much, so I hope you will enjoy my card today.

thanks again for visiting my blog I will be back here this weekend I am off Saturday for the first time since I went back in May, so I am very excited to be in my little "Craftroom"
Hugs my friends,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

You're the Apple of my Eye

Hello everyone I have been slacking on posting here in my blog, for those who know me I have been back to wk for a few mths it's going very well except for the air condition has been broken for a few wks now and I have been so tired from the heat when I get home and I honestly I haven't felt like doing anything. So today I got off wk early and couldn't wait to get home and come back in my craft room so here is a card I made today and would like to share with all of you, I had fun making it I hope you all will enjoy it.
front of card
inside of card

back of card, love this stamp my friend Cricut Chick gave it to me

Cartridge: Preserves pg. 27 cut @ 3 1/2
Punch: Stampin Up 
Ribbon: Michael's
Sentiment: Hampton Art: (we make a great pair)
Pattern Paper: DCWV  Nana's Kitchen 

thanks for stopping by today 
Hugs my friends