
Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy Anniversary Card

Hello my crafty friends, sorry I've been missing here a bit, but I have been very busy at wk and when I come home I am just so tired and this past wk was a bad one for us who lived in NJ well first we had our first "Earth Quake" and then a Hurricane this past wkend wow what a wk well thank god were are ok !! So now on to my card, I had to make a anniversary card and this is what I decided on I hope you all will  like it please leave me your comments, thanks again for visiting my blog today please come again.

again thanks for visiting me today please come again
hugs my friends,


  1. glad all is well, love the card, very nice!!!

  2. Love the card! Hope you are doing well after all the storms and stuff out there!!

    I passed along a blog award to you. Swing by and pick it up!

  3. Lovely card!! and so glad everyone is OK!!!

  4. Cute card... I just had my 35th, this would have been cute for my hubby! Glad to here all is okay with you! I have to tell you I just love your craftroom pic above and would LOVE to have all the Cricut cartridges. I won my first machine a Cricut Expression, but have not received it yet... I truly an stalking the Fed Ex, UPS and mailman (don't know who will be delivering it) and I am sure they all wish it would come too! Anyway your site is so cute, had to check you out more! I put your blinkie on my blog. Visit me too sometime!
    Crafty Hugs,
