
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Design Team @ Getting Cricky with K Andrew

Hello and welcome to my blog, have you heard I was lucky enough to have made the Design Team over at Getting Cricky with K Andrew.   I am so Excited and so Happy!  Have you seen her stamps they are awesome and so great to work with please take some time and go over and visit Kristal's Blog  Here
and for her store just click Here .



  1. Congrats Debbie:) I am happy for you, I can't wait to see what you create!!

  2. CONGRATS!!! Can't wait to work with you!

  3. Congratulations Debbie! Looking forward to seeing what you create.

  4. Congratulations!! I can't wait to see what you create.

  5. Hi Debbie,
    Well I have to start off by saying CONGRATS... that is so exciting and so COOL! You so deserve this! I hadn't checked in with you for awhile and WOW you have been busy... loved the pen and notepad you made in an earlier post... and WISHED you lived down the street so I could come and craft in your room! BEAUTIFUL! Keep up the good work and take care! CONGRATS again!
    Crafty Hugs,

  6. thank you Pendra and did you see or hear you are my winner of the 1000 Followers so please send me a email or message me on my facebook page with you mailing info so I can get your cartridge to you my friend I left you a message on your face book page hugs my friend Debbie
    so happy it was you my counter picked
