
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Even More Food for Thougth

Hello all, wow I haven't been here for a few weeks now, so sorry for that. Well I had plan to be here this past weekend but here in N.J Atlantic Co. where I live we got hit with a real bad storm so needless to say I was with out power for a few days, I hope I never have to do that again. Thank the lord we were all ok. So now that I have power I played in my craft room for most of the day today. For my cards today I used a cricut cartridge I haven't used for some time. I have a new set of stamps for Kristal which is called "Even More Food for Thought" You can see all of Kristal's stamps Here I really love Kristal's stamps they work so well, you can mix and match them too, and I really love how easy they clean up.
Here is my cards I have made, hope you all like them.
this is all what I used

front of card 

side view 
this is all what I used 

front of card 

side view 
So I hope you have enjoyed my cards and I hope I have inspired you all to get "crafting"
thanks again for visiting my blog, please before you leave I would love to here your comments it means so much to me. I hope you all have a Happy and Safe 4th of July.
Hugs all,


  1. Adorable cards! Glad to see you back and that all is ok now.

  2. Very very or should I say cherry berry fun!

  3. very cute cards! Good to see your work!

