"In the eyes of children, we find the joy of Christmas. In their hearts, we find its meaning."
As joyous as Christmas is for most families, for some, their holidays are filled with worry, medical treatments and tests, and pain -- for their child must be hospitalized or she or he needs long-term care rather than being home with their families.
For these kids, Santa doesn't slip down a chimney but rather, often comes in the guise of community volunteers who help make the season bright.
This is the second Christmas season that our own band of dedicated and loving paper crafters have come together to make Holiday banners for children who are too sick to be home for the holidays. Welcome to the Christmas Banners for Special Needs Kids blog hop!
I am especially pleased that this year, not only have our numbers of generous crafters swelled so our Hop is over three full days, but also, that we have partnered with another great cause and recipient of our banners!
By teaming up with Madison Womack's I FEEL THE LOVE PROJECT, the banners our crafters have handmade will be going to the hospitalized children at Children's Hospital Central California!
First, let me show you the banner I made for today's post. I'll be sending this to Madison and the children at CHCC who are benefiting from the I Feel the Love project in December:
I used the super-fun Gingerbread Land line of papers from Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker to make this jolly banner.
The gingerbread men, cut using a Sizzix die and my Cuttlebug machine, are on Action Wobbles for extra fun!
Now, have I inspired you to make and donate your own banner or a Christmas card or two to the I Feel the Love Project? I hope so! Because if you will, you'll be entered into a drawing to win my:
Super-Fantastic Gift Basket
Throughout the month of December, I'll be adding crafty goodness to this basket so that it will be over-flowing and ripe and ready for under your tree. I'll be picking the winner on Christmas Eve, announcing the winner on Christmas Day, and if you win, you'll have the basket in your hands by New Year's Day!!
Stay tuned to the CardMonkey blog over the next few weeks leading up to the drawing, as I'll be posting the contents of the basket as they mount.
OK, so to win the GRAND PRIZE (all continents are welcome!), here's what you must do:
1. Be a follower of the CardMonkey blog and tell me in your comment how I can contact you.
2. Leave a comment telling me what you plan to make and send to the IFTL project by their deadline, December 10. Then do it! Go to www.ifeeltheloveproject.blogspot.com for mailing information for your card or banner. Your card or banner MUST be received by Madison by the deadline to be eligible to win the GRAND prize!
NOT READY FOR PRIME TIME?? You can still win great blog candy just by being here and commenting on as many banner makers' blogs over the course of the next three days.
Since we have more than 50 banner makers today, tomorrow and Monday, I'll be picking 5 blogs at random, and then one random comment from that Blog site, for that commenter to win one of five great prizes, which are:
- Scrappin' Madge: $25 Gift Certificate to The Scrappin Lounge Shoppe (http://madgesscrappinlounge.storenvy.com/)
- Fresh Brewed Designs: Two prizes - One prize is a rubber stamp, Item #497 "Cutie Pie Ice Skating" (http://www.freshbreweddesigns.com/item_497/Cutie-Pie-Ice-Skating.htm), and the other is a $15 Digital Stamp gift card.
- The Paper Temptress (www.papertemptress.com) - Owner Patricia Dunbar will donate a $25 Gift Certificate to her online store, the Paper Temptress.
- The Pinque Peacock (www.pinquepeacock.com) - Owners Jessica Shelton will donate a gift certificate to her NEW store (products are being added daily -- watch as she grows!)
- In addition, Close to My Heart Independent Consultant Lucy Kelleher will award a $20 gift certificate to a randomly-selected hopper who visits her blog (http://love2createitall.com) and/or Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/LucyK.CTMH) and posts a comment about the banner blog hop!
P.S. -- Be sure to check out as many blogs as you can, as several will be providing their own blog candy with their own requirements. If I catch them along the way, I'll add them to this list, as a shout out of gratitude, and also so you don't miss out on some sweet candy(canes!)... If you have just come from
Dorcas - http://craftycardangel.com/ then your in the right spot.
Here is my Banner I have made for today's Banners For Special Needs Kids Blog Hop.
using Cricut carts Storybook & Birthday Bash |
"JOY" |
Close up of Stocking |
Close up of Christmas Tree |
I am so happy to have had the chance to be in this Blog Hop I have been a few and I have to say this is the most special one of all!
I am honor to be sending this to Madison it will be going out in the mail on Tuesday. Please I would love for you to be a follower with me if your not already, I hope you have enjoy this hop as much as I have please be sure to stop and visit me again.
Here is the line up for today's just in case you missed it.
For Monday, November 12:
- Ellen ~ CardMonkey - http://cardmonkeyspaperjungle.com/
- Marianne - http://paperorfabric.blogspot.com/
- Tami - http://tamboscreations.blogspot.com/
- Heather D. - http://joemamainks.blogspot.com/
- Jearise - http://lorbysworld.blogspot.com/
- Susan B - http://susanascorner.blogspot.com/
- Jamie M. http://craftygirl21.blogspot.com/
- Linda Simpson - http://lindasimpsoncraftypieceofheaven.blogspot.com/
- Theresa ~ www.thescrapbookingqueen.com_
- Vicky - http://www.luvmygypsy.blogspot.com/
- Debbie T- http://debbiescrafttime.blogspot.co.uk/
- Pam Funk - http://dreamersklub.blogspot.com/
- Shelly - http://kccroppers.blogspot.com/
- Alina - http://neverstopscrapping.blogspot.com/
- Lisa L. - http://lisascreativeniche.blogspot.com/
- Nancie - http://alittlepieceofmebynancie.blogspot.com/
- Dorcas - http://craftycardangel.com/
- Debbie _http://craftydeb-ddscrafts.blogspot.com/
- Rexann - http://ibecircled.blogspot.com