
Friday, November 23, 2012

Exciting News

Hello all I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving as I did it's always nice to spend time with family.  Well I have been waiting to do my post for I have a few great things to share with you all, which are first I got the shock of my life which was I came home from work last Friday and there was a box on my step address to me so brought in the house and I open it up and it was a Cameo yes that is right a Cameo.  It was from a very dear sweet lady and I am sure most of you know her and that is Theresa- The Scrapbooking Queen if you haven't been to her blog please be sure to visit you wont want to miss it and please be sure to tell her I sent you.

Me & my Cameo
thanks Theresa The Scrapbooking Queen 

Can you say Cameo

and the next great news is I made the Design Team over @ Paper Piecing by Nikki
she is such a sweet person I love all her paper cut, they are really fun to work and play with.
So please be sure to visit her and please say I sent you.
Now for my very first Paper Piecing this is it I have to say
I am very happy with the way this turn out.

this is just part of the file 

I used stickles (crystal)

I love the fluff look

for the Fluff look I used (Liquid Applique)

So for this being my very first Paper Piecing using my New Cameo, I must say I am very happy and proud of myself. So again thank you to Theresa for this awesome gift, and to Nikki for choosing me to be part of your Design Team. If you would like to get this cute file you can purchase it here @ Paper Piecing by Nikki
thanks again for visiting my blog today, please I always love to here your comments so be sure to leave me some.


  1. Wow! Congratulations on your Cameo. That is great. Your paper piecing came out really nice. I love gingerbread men! Enjoy your Cameo! Congratulations on the Design team.

  2. Wowzers!! You sure have a lot to be thankful for! Congrats on the Cameo & the design team. I love your first project & can't wait to see what else you create!

    Diana :)
    Leelee Card Designs

  3. OMGosh, how awesome is that? Happy holidays to you. Great first project with your Cameo.

  4. Enjoy your new toy! Cute project!

    Stay Creative,
    Carson's Creations

  5. congrats on being a new owner of a cameo!! you will LOVE it!!

  6. Congrats to you!!Enjoy oyur AWESOME new toy!
    Have a wonderful weekend,

  7. very cute! How awesome is that! Can't wait to see what you make!
