
Saturday, December 1, 2012

I Have Exciting News to Share

Hello all my crafty peeps, I have some really exciting news to share with all of you.   Some of you know I am a big fan of Jaded Blossom, I just love all there products, well they are having there 1yr. Birthday Celebration going on here.  They also have announced there New Design Team & Guest Design Team, well I am so HAPPY and EXCITED!! YES I am part of the Guest Designer Team. Congrats to all the New Design Team members and Guest Designer members.  My month to be the Guest Designer is April 2013, can you believe it.. I would love to say a Big Thanks to Michelle and Candace, so thanks again ladies I can't wait.  If you haven't seen what they have to offer you must stop over and take a look, and remember they are having there Birthday Celebration going on too, just click Here to get there. They also have a Jaded Blossom Fan Page and Jaded Blossom's Garden of Creativity  group where you will be so inspired to get started to be creative. Have fun :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog to share my wonderful and exciting news with all of you please be sure to stop back again real soon.


  1. Congrats to you on your new DT position.

    Carson's Creations

  2. excited for you! Congrats on your new DT spot - I look forward to seeing your work with Jaded Blossom. Just ordered my Birthday Kit and can't wait to play along with you ladies!
