
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"Snow" with PPbyN

Hello and welcome to my blog, today is my day to post for the Paper Piecings by Nikki I love this Design Team we really have fun designing with Nikki's files. If you haven't stop by the store yet please take a few extra minutes to visit Here.  Nikki has lowered all her prices now as well and guess what else she has a "Freebie" everyday so what is better then that, so please be sure to grab your "freebie" today, Nikki also runs a challenge over on her blog as well, you can check out the info Here. For my post today I have chosen to use the file "Snow Bear Title" I was so excited last night when I had taken out my dog Sasha cause it was snowing, yes I said Snow ! I love snow when it first starts I think it looks so pretty, but then it can go away in a day or two.  I was inspired to make a card with snow so I saw this cute snow bear and said lets use him so now lets take a look, please be sure to leave me your comments I love to here from all of you, if you don't already please click on the Follow Button and come follow along here with me, if you have a blog please be sure to leave me your link too I will come follow with you as well.
front of card

Snow Bear title

close up of embossing "Snowflakes"

side view 
Thank you so very much for visiting my blog today, now be sure to visit PPbyN for your free file for today, and be sure to take some extra time to look in the store because you don't want to miss out on all the lower pricing on all of Nikki's files.


  1. What a pretty card! I love the embossing and that bear is adorable :)


  2. Beautiful Card. The embossing is perfect.
