
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Theme-Spired Saturday

There's Always Time for Chocolate

Hello welcome to my blog I hope you enjoy my project for today, it's my turn as Guest Designer for Jess @ KinderStampO Today we are creating with a Chocolate in mind, here is my card I have made with Chocolate cupcakes in mind, it will be used for a Birthday card. 

front of card 

close up

closer look at paper doilie, shabby chic flower, sentiment
I hope I have Inspired you today, please stop over and visit Jess here @ from there you can also check out her store she has such an amazing selection. Thanks for taking the time out to visit my blog today, I would love for you to take a look around and follow my blog it's easy just click on the Follow Button on the right side here, if you have a blog please leave me the link when commenting I will be sure to follow along with you as well.
Hugs all,

Recipe for my card:
Everyday Thought's Stamps by Jess
Shabby Chic Flower by Jess
Paper Doilie's by Jess
Faux Rhinestones by Jess


  1. Super cute card,Love your colors...

  2. That is so cute, Love the colors. Great touch on the doily.

  3. Yummy design!! You can't go wrong with chocolate....SEE, it's good for you!
