
Monday, February 17, 2014

Random Act Of Kindness

Hello and welcome to my blog today I am going to be "Paying It Forward" - "Random Act of Kindness"

Wikipedia defines a random act of kindness as :
a selfless act performed by a person or people wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual person or people. 
Well a week or so ago I recieved a kind email from a dear craft friend that I have met here in this crafting world of FaceBook, her name is Debbie Rodgerson, you can visit her blog  Here she is so sweet and has helped me with crafting questions so many times, I just love to visit her blog she has some pretty cool projects.  
 So what I would love to do is have you leave me a comment on this blog post and then I will randomly select 3 comments to recieve RAK (Random Act Of Kindness) from me, and in return all I ask is if you would kindly to the same, even if it's just once.  I will keep this open until Saturday the 22nd and I will post the 3 winners on Sunday the 23rd. Lets please keep this going and thanks again to Debbie Rodgerson for passing it on to me. 


  1. What a great idea. Everyone can use a little RAK!

  2. Just think how much sweeter the world would be if more people did RAK. Love it!

  3. What a wonderful thing to do. More people should do this.

  4. Thanks Debbie!!! Love that the RAK continues!!!!!

  5. This post is now closed for entering I will post winners on my Facebook page
