
Friday, June 4, 2010

Friends pg for my Craft Buddy's

Please come join me at the two pages I recently put together, I wanted to have just a page for my "Craft Buddy's" so please feel free to pass it along and show what you are working on, I love to see what other are making and I love comments, so I hope I will see you over at my new pages, I hope you will be a follower with me now, if you have a blog please let me know I would be happy to follow you, thanks to all my Craft Buddy's  :)


  1. Hi Deb, Thanks for following my blog! I just downloaded some pictures of my latest craft project, if you want go over to my blog.

  2. Hi Debbie, thanks for your sweet comment on my blog. I am now your follower too :)
    Keep coming back for the GiveAway very soon!
    Hugs :)
