
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thanks to all of You!

Just wanted to say a big Thank You to all of you, my crafty friends. I am so happy I have found people that enjoy card making, scrapbooking as much as I enjoy, I have learn so much in the past month just by having this blog, I never knew anything about blogs, I love how everyone is sharing there ideas and how there are so many challenges to enter, so thanks for being a follower and leaving me comments, I hope all of you keep coming back thanks again...
your crafty friend Debbie :)


  1. I feel the same way Debbie, I didn't know what I was missing til I started blogging :)

  2. I have only been paper crafting just since this year. I got my cricut last year, but was pretty sick and did not use it. I know you ask how can that be? I have RSD, RA, Fibromaylia, and thoracic outlet so I get really sick and can live in my PJ's for weeks and months.

    I am only 53 yrs old. My RSD and RA I have had since childhood. I usually do not tell too many people about it, but my blog has given me an outlet to vent and whine and then get strong again emotionally until my next time it takes me down again.

    Hey thanks for joining my blog too. I will be doing giveaways each week to help it grow. You get extra entry for each post that you do about my blog and giveaways. Just leave the link to where you posted about it when you comment on my blog.

  3. Blogging is so much fun! Glad you are enjoying it!

  4. Thanks for joining my blog. I was very intimidated by the whole blog thingy but now I see that is awesome because I get to share with people that have the same interests as me. So welcome to the blog world. :) Take Care
