
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Another Cherry on Top Award

I would like to say thank you to Mc Squared she pass this on to me I am so happy, I've received this award 3 times so far, now the rules are:

1. Thank the person that gave you the award
2. Share three things that you love
3. Post the Award on your blog
4. Share a picture that you love
5. Share this Award with 5 other bloggers!

Thank you Mc Squared
I love my family, love to help others, and Crafting :)

My picture is
my boyfriend Gary :)
now to pass this onto
5 other people who is:
1) Jessica @
2) Melissa @
3) Lauren @
4) Abbie @
5) Phyllis @
so thank you again Mc Squared and I hope all you ladies enjoy your Award as much as I do :)


  1. Thanks so much Debbie!! Love your site!!!

  2. i thought you were a follower of my blog dd, lol. i visit your blog quite often. sometimes if i feel bad i do not leave comments.

    love listening to your elvis music while here.


  3. thank you for visiting my blog. I am now a follower.
