
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Blog Candy Winner!!!

The winner for the Blog Candy from the "Kids Just Want to Have Fun" blog hop is
Ashleigh, she is from Crafty Ashleigh, so please contact me with your info so I can get
your Candy out to you, Ashleigh said, Awesome project. I would like to thank all of you
for stopping by and leaving me such nice comments, I love all of them, it means so much to
me to here from all of you, and also a BIG THANKS to Jessica from KinderStampO she did
so much work to put all this together, its was nice to be part of it with such very nice ladies, thanks
to all of you,
Debbie :)


  1. OMG YEA! Thank you so much! My email is (I did not see your email address)

    Thanks again!
